Introduction to cryptocurrency

Welcome to

You would have to be living under a rock if you haven’t noticed that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are some of the hottest investments on the planet right now. Here’s a secret, they’ve been hot for a while.

The problem is, most people simply have no idea what’s going on in this space or where to begin.

That in a nutshell is why we started Crypteligence.

regular people invest in cryptocurrencies

Regular people invest in cryptocurrencies

While the site will eventually be exhaustive, it’s primarily intended to be a basic source of information about bitcoin and other related cryptocurrencies for the average person. We want to help you get up to speed on the basics and give you a place to come back to for news on a daily basis.

Cryptocurrency is exciting and fun and more importantly is the currency of the future!

If you’re new to Cryptocurrency and it all seems a bit much, relax. It’s actually pretty simple and has a very easy learning curve. Explore the site and go through the sections and it should start to make sense.

Our Site

This site will focus on the following:

  • Introduction to Cryptocurrency and the blockchain – helping you understand how this all started and why this is like real money but oh so different.
  • Blockchain – understanding what the Blockchain is and how it works.
  • Bitcoin – the world’s most famous coin. What it is and how it has evolved and keeps evolving.
  • Ethereum – the second most famous and important currency. Learn about the Ethereum format and its use as a platform.
  • Ripple – another important coin and platform. Learn how and why XRP is important.
  • Wallets – how you can actually receive and store cryptocurrency.
  • Exchanges – what is an exchange and what are some of the most important exchanges out there?
  • ICO’s – Initial Coin Offerings – what does it mean for coins to go private or public?
  • Tools – We share some of the basic crypto tools with you like currency calculators and converters.
  • Cryptocurrency Trading – learn how to actually buy and sell crypto strategically and efficiently.
  • Cryptocurrency Training – we provide third party training programs that you can take advantage of to learn more about Crypto.
  • Cryptocurrency Books – here we recommend books that we trust to teach you about cryptocurrency.
  • Cryptocurrency Videos – You can see the cryptocurrency-related videos we recommend.
  • Cryptocurrency Forums – a place where you can hang out with others who are trying to learn as well.
  • Cryptocurrency Jobs – we have a job board here as well where you can find cryptocurrency and blockchain-related jobs.

There is a vast amount of information that could be covered but as I said, we’re trying to make sure the average person has enough information to be educated on Crypto and can speak intelligently about it.

If you would like to contact us directly, you can use our contact form. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for visiting

We hope our site is helpful as you embark on your crypto journey.

Stay tuned for more.

Mike Johnson
